Sunday, February 15, 2009

A green control

Phil Reilly in Ottawa Ontario has some interesting information about using Neem oil to control the lily beetle. This is one safe product that can be used for control of the larva as it seems not to harm the adult beetles. This is one of hopefully many options for controling the lily beetle. Phil Reilly runs and owns Reilly’s Country Garden.


  1. Safers Insectcidal Soap ,if sprayed on the larvae will kill them.I did this last summer and worked very nicely.Adults I am not sure.I will experiment this summer.
    Brian Bergman

  2. Safers soap works very well on the larvae

  3. Thank you Brian.
    This is good to know that the safers soap works. With the ever shrinking list of product that is out there to use this is a good one I think to use as well.
